
Any children, born during your lifetime or within 12 months of your death, may be eligible to a child’s pension. This also applies to any children born to a previous partner, adopted children and financially dependent children who are living as part of your family at the time of your death.

To be eligible, your children can’t be married or in a civil partnership. They must be:

  • Under 17; or if over 17, have remained in full-time education, or been in training for a trade or profession for at least two years, without a break of more than one academic year, up to age 23 at the latest;
  • Incapacitated and unable to earn a living due to ill health at the time of your death. A doctor will need to confirm this. We’ll also need to know if they’re receiving any benefits.
Last Updated: 08/12/2021 14:34


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