
If you and your spouse or civil partner decide to legally end your relationship, you may need to request information on the value of your pension. This is to allow the courts to consider whether or not your pension should be shared with your partner and by how much. We’ll calculate a Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) representing the cash value of the benefits you’ve accrued in the Scheme, including your pension, any lump sum and dependant’s pension.

The court may award a percentage of this CETV to your ex-spouse or ex-civil partner, giving them pension benefits based upon the amount awarded by the court. If this happens your benefits will be reduced and your ex-spouse or ex-civil partner will become a pension credit member of the Scheme. A pension credit member is not allowed to transfer their share out of the Scheme or transfer into it and they cannot add flexibilities to boost this type of pension.

Find more information about the charges that may apply in our factsheet (PDF, 85 KB) (This link opens in a new window).

What if I am affected by the Transitional Protection changes?

If you’re a member who is affected by the Transitional Protection changes (This link opens in a new window) and is divorced, or going through a divorce, then you’ll need to make a choice regarding any service built up between 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2022 (known as the remedy period).

We suggest you read our bespoke webpage on divorce and Transitional Protection (This link opens in a new window).

If you're receiving or will receive a pension from the Teachers' Pension Scheme following a divorce, please visit our 'Relatives and advisors Hub' for dedicated information.

Last Updated: 23/10/2024 09:37


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