
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Employer drop-in

Our next online Employer drop-in session will be held on Thursday 21 April at 2pm.

20/04/2022 |

Help shape your experience with us by taking this short survey

Please take the time to complete this survey to help us make improvements.

04/04/2022 |

Member online security

We’ve received information that fraudsters are sending communications to members appearing to be from Teachers’ Pensions requesting personal information.

04/04/2022 |

Public service scheme members with fixed or enhanced protection

You may want to reassure protected members from lifetime allowance charges

04/04/2022 |

Find out which of your employees were protected members

As the final salary scheme closed on 31 March 2022, all active members of the Scheme will be in the career average scheme from 1 April 2022.

04/04/2022 |

Importance of withdrawal indicator

As we’ve previously mentioned, the withdrawal indicator is important to signify when a member has left your employment or left teaching completely.

04/04/2022 |

A quick guide to multiple rows of data that cover a pay period

Any service provided for a member relating to the month of April, must be split into two lines.

04/04/2022 |

Changes introduced from 1 April 2022

All active members (and future members) will be part of the career average scheme.

04/04/2022 |

Prospective Remedy Consultation Response

Consultations are now being carried out by government departments to implement the remedy.

04/04/2022 |