
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Monthly Data Collection (MDC) – Urgent information required

Please make sure you've contacted us about on- boarding

23/11/2016 |

Employer Review

Work continues to progress on the Employer Review

23/11/2016 |

End of Year Certificates

Please make sure you have returned your End of Year Certificates.

23/11/2016 |

Benefit Statement

This year we’ve created resources for members to help them understand how to work through their Benefit Statement

23/11/2016 |

Missing service

Please let your employees know the importance of checking their records

23/11/2016 |

New Employer Enrolment Template live

Our new Employer Enrolment Template is now live

23/11/2016 |

My Pension Online – 500k registered

Half a million members have now signed up to My Pesnion Online

23/11/2016 |

Annual Service Returns

23/11/2016 |

Starters and leavers resources

Check out the new resources on our website

23/11/2016 |

Do you know the training and resources available on our website?

Check out the new resources on our website

23/11/2016 |

MDC users – Issue regarding periods of service on member forms

Please check you're filling out the MDC form correctly

23/11/2016 |

Monthly Contributions Breakdown Form

Slight changes have been made to the form

14/11/2016 |