
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

End of Year Certificate underpayments

Can we take this opportunity to remind you that for any underpayment identified by the EOYC exercise, the payment must not be included in the normal monthly contributions submission.

21/05/2018 |


In June we’ll once more be providing free training opportunities for you. In May we had seminars in Swindon, Leicester, Brighton and Cardiff with 76 participants registering.

21/05/2018 |

Member portal changes going live

Information about forthcoming changes to My Pension Online.

21/05/2018 |

A new report on starters to be introduced

We’ve previously advised you about changes to the starter and leaver process and how we have taken responsibility to contact members directly if we have a member’s email address.

21/05/2018 |

Opting out relating to maternity leave or other leave

The pension accrual of a member of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme will not be affected while they’re on maternity leave, paternity leave, adoption leave, parental leave or shared parental leave.

21/05/2018 |

Queries with Monthly Breakdown Form

When completing the breakdown of tier contributions information on the monthly breakdown form, it returns either a “No” or ““OK”.

21/05/2018 |

Advice on uploading MDC files

As mentioned in previous bulletins, we cannot accept member information via email.

21/05/2018 |

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

As you are no doubt aware, the General Data Protection Regulations are introduced on 25 May.

21/05/2018 |

Completing retirement forms

Members who would like to retire in September should submit their application forms as soon as possible.

21/05/2018 |

Additional Pension contributions

As it’s the time of year when we receive a large amount of elections, we thought we’d just remind you of the process for Additional Pension contributions.

21/05/2018 |

Re-employment after retirement

When a member takes Premature Retirement or Age Retirement from the Final Salary arrangement, these awards will be subject to abatement if the member returns to eligible employment in the Scheme.

21/05/2018 |

End of Year Certificate 2018

On 27 April, we sent you an email letting you know that the 2018 End of Year Certificate (EOYC) template is now ready to download and complete.

01/05/2018 |