
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

Certificate of Re-employment

Certificates of Re-employment are important fopr employers not yet using MDC.

18/08/2017 |

Reminder to members re updating their contact details

Please can you remind your employees that it’s good practice to ensure they update their details.

18/08/2017 |

Reminder regarding EOYC submissions

The audit process for non-LA employers was reviewed and brought into line with the Local Authority audits.

18/08/2017 |


Why not start the new term off by taking advantage of our free training opportunities.

18/08/2017 |

Monthly Data Collection

Up to the end of July we had 3,384 employers live on MDC.

18/08/2017 |

‘Upload a file’ improvements in Employer Portal

We’ve made improvements to the ‘Upload a file’ section

18/08/2017 |

Message for employers to avoid arrears of contributions charges

This is a reminder that the Scheme operates “contractual enrolment”.

18/08/2017 |

Employer Portal web releases – downtime

We’re constantly working to improve the website and Employer Portal functionality.

18/08/2017 |

Monthly Data Collection overwriting error

We’ve introduced a new error message to the service routines.

18/08/2017 |

Urgent reminder for Annual Service Return

This is an urgent reminder to those of you who have still not completed your Annual Service Return.

18/08/2017 |

New process for Starters and Leavers

Teachers’ Pensions is taking over the responsibility for providing starter and leaver information directly to members.

18/08/2017 |

Changing Payroll Providers

It’s important that you notify us should you decide to change providers.

18/08/2017 |