
Our news archive is updated regularly with all the information you need to know about the Teachers' Pension Scheme.

CETV update

An update on delayed CETVs

19/12/2024 |

Employer Secure Messaging attaching files

We’ve been made aware that some employers are experiencing issues when attaching documents to a message.

04/12/2024 |

Employer Events and Training

We’ll continue to deliver our webinars throughout December.

03/12/2024 |

Finance update

Read our finance update for December.

03/12/2024 |

Removal of contact emails from 1 December 2024

Several of our contact emails will be removed from 1 December 2024.

03/12/2024 |

Contributions Testing

Our auditor Deloitte will be approaching a small selection of you to ask for information.

03/12/2024 |

What happened at our latest Teachers’ Pensions Action Forum (TPAF) event?

Read our update on the latest TPAF session.

03/12/2024 |

Updates from The Pensions Regulator

We've two updates from The Pensions Regulator on administering the Scheme.

03/12/2024 |