
  • Answer:

    Please see scenario 20 in the User Guide (PDF, 1.6 MB) (This link opens in a new window) and Appendix A (XLSX, 946 KB) (This link opens in a new window) documents for details on this.

    You’d need to provide update lines for the months the overtime is relevant for. If the member’s in the Career Average arrangement, overtime is classed as pensionable earnings so this will also need to be included when deducting contributions.

    The overtime should be populated in the 'overtime' and 'pensionable overtime paid in the pay month' fields.

    Please ensure to determine the member contribution tier excluding the overtime paid in the pay month, and then apply the tier to the total actual pensionable pay for the month, plus pay related to overtime deducting in the pay month. This includes the overtime that has been backdated.

    For Final Salary members, only the 'overtime' field should be populated.

  • Answer:

    No, you’d complete a ‘when earned’ update line for the period, correcting the contribution totals following the below example:

    ‘what has been paid’ - ‘what should have been paid’ = ‘refund’

  • Answer:

    No, this shouldn’t occur because overtime should be excluded from the calculation for the contribution tier.


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